Guest Services
Digital Compendium and service channel for Guests in house.
Connecting with your guests should be easy. Our guest services platform provides an easy to use channel for in-house requests and the ability to view all in-house amenities.
Our platform is "Appless" no need to download and install cumbersome software. Just scan a QR code located in the room and you're away!
The key to a happy guest is making a service easy to access and use. By adopting our Guest Services platform guests can connect with your staff and view hotel amenities by simply scanning a QR code.
01 Guest Satisfaction
From "Tray Pick Up" to "Clean My Room" relevant team members will be notified when requests are made automatically. Requests are categorised with a priority and tracked for the lifecycle of the request.
02 Streamline Tasks
Say goodbye to the old days. Digitizing your compendium eliminates the need for reprints. You can adjust all content direct from our platform instantly.
03 No More Paper Booklets
We take the hard part out of the check-in process and free up time for your staff to engage with guests when they arrive at your property.
04 Staff Efficiency

Your Brand. Our Platform
Our platform has been designed from the ground up to be themed. Adjust images, fonts, colours, wording using our admininistration portal. The sky's the limit and your brand is front and centre.
Brand customisation out of the box
Wording customisation for EMAIL, SMS and Guest flows
Support for Twilio, SendGrid and other 3rd party services to present your domain and name directly to guests

Guest Requests
While in-house guests can make requests direct to property staff to access various services and amenities.
When a request is made it will be dispatched to the relevant staff by SMS, EMAIL or both. As the operator you can define opening hours for each request category, along with the priority of the request and escalation rules to ensure requests made by guests are actioned appropriately.

Visualise Your Hotel.
A digital compendium gives you the power to visualise the services at your property and provide key information to your guests once they arrive direct on their mobile device.
Build beautiful articles to guide guests through your hotel and make use of the amenities on offer.

Stay Connected.
Our platform comes with a management portal you can use to receive, track and reply back to guests during their stay.
We record key metrics on when requests are made and which categories are used
Requests can be escalated to senior staff if not actioned within given timeframes